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Help the AHC in its mission to support arts and culture initiatives, events, and organizations in the 5-parish area!

About Us
The Arts & Humanities Council of SWLA’s mission is to support arts and culture initiatives, events, and organizations in the 5-parish area that bring a unique cultural experience to local citizens while helping to bolster tourism and economic growth through the arts and humanities. |
What We Do
Learn about the AHC and our impact in the community!

Board of directors
The board's role is to contribute to defining, governing, and fulfilling the organizations mission.

Our Events
The arts can be catalysts for urban and rural development by helping to improve quality of life, which attracts new businesses, encourages civic involvement, and increases tourism dollars

Grant opportunities
Since 2005, the Arts & Humanities Council of Southwest Louisiana has helped distribute over $2.8 million in grants to local arts organizations.

Central School Arts & Humanities Center
Central School provides partially subsidized space for arts organizations and individuals to rent for affordable rates to use as office space, studio space, or classrooms.